April 2007
OK - I'm just sad... I haven't updated this post in a while, but once you read this blog, you'll know why!! We've moved and I got a new job!! We decided to leave suburbia and move to the country. Our house is on a DIRT road and we don't have public water, sewer or cable. I work in the local public schools, where Brayden will start Kindergarten in the fall. Dave got a job with Orkin in their sales dept. What a life change!!
We also spent our first Easter in our new home. It snowed the night before Easter and we went sledding in our front yard! Too much fun. The boys loved their Easter baskets and even enjoyed going to church. We had several people invite us to the same church, so we went there for a nice service.
Here are some pictures of our new house and Easter:
Our new house

The view from our driveway